
R&D Capabilities

Revolutionizing Wearable Technology with Advanced Algorithms for Accurate Health Monitoring and User-Friendly Interface Design

Smart Facilities

Smart Facility Innovation

Years Manufacturing experience
300 +
Product R&D manufacturing team
3000 +
Factory floor area
Professional production line

Featured Services

Independent research and development algorithm

Independent research and development of core algorithms based on acceleration sensors and ECG sensors. A powerful algorithm team independently develops algorithms for step counting, heart rate, sleep, calories, distance, swimming, etc. The accuracy of the monitoring data is aligned with industry benchmark companies, leading the industry. The first batch of wristband manufacturers with heart rate solutions in the industry.

Step counting algorithm

Independent research and development, unique filter and anti-jamming step counting algorithm, accuracy>95%

Heart rate algorithm

High-configuration sensors and chip hardware, combined with language developed multiple algorithms, the device can recognize more complex scenes and multiple motion modes.

Sleep algorithm

The high-precision sensor cooperates with the sleep algorithm to automatically identify the sleep state (deep sleep, light sleep, etc.) and automatically record the start and end time of sleep.

Multi-sport mode algorithm

Industrial-grade 24-hour ultra-low power consumption, medical-grade dynamic heart rate algorithm, ultra-precise resting and dynamic heart rate tracking capabilities, and ultra-low-power solution integration.

How Its Work

Product ID&UI design

IUTECH Wear firmly believes that innovation is the soul of enterprise development. It invests 10% of sales every year as R&D funds (high-end talents, cutting-edge technology, product experience). The company has more than 200 R&D technical experts and engineers, mainly distributed in R&D and design departments.
Streamlined Interface Aesthetics

Crisp, user-friendly interface design ensuring data clarity and page visibility.

Reliable functional design

More breakthrough innovative functions to provide users with better services

Professional firmware team

Custom firmware upgrades and expert engineering for bug and compatibility solutions.

Friendly human-computer interaction

Smart, intuitive design ensures a superior user experience for all.

How Its Work

Smart Wearable Customization

Nearly 300 engineers and technicians team, independently develop algorithms for heart rate, sleep, step counting, blood oxygen, calories, distance, exercise, etc.

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