
IUTECH Wear Privacy Policy

Welcome to IUTECH Wear. This privacy policy outlines how we handle your personal information and data. We value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This policy explains the types of data we collect, how it’s used, and your rights regarding your personal data.

Website Address http://iutechwear.com

When you leave comments on our website, we collect the data shown in the comments form, your IP address, and browser user agent string to help with spam detection. An anonymized string (hash) from your email may be provided to the Gravatar service for profile picture visibility. Comments and their metadata are retained indefinitely for follow-up comments recognition.

If you upload images to the website, avoid images with embedded EXIF GPS data to protect your privacy. Visitors can download and extract location data from images on the site.

We use cookies to enhance your experience. Cookies remember your details and preferences for your convenience. If you leave a comment, opt-in to save your details in cookies. We also set cookies to save your login and display choices. Learn more about managing cookies in our detailed cookie policy.

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g., videos, images). These contents from other websites behave exactly as if you visited those sites, which may collect data about you, use cookies, and monitor your interaction.

We may share your data in specific scenarios, like password reset requests where your IP address is included in the reset email. We disclose how and with whom your data is shared, especially for legal and security purposes.

Your data is retained for as long as necessary. For registered users, personal information in your profile is stored indefinitely. Users can manage their personal information (except changing usernames).

You have the right to access, modify, or delete your personal data. Request an exported file of your personal data or its erasure, barring data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service, possibly located outside your jurisdiction. We ensure data safety during these transfers.

This privacy policy may be updated to reflect changes in our practices or regulations. We will notify users of significant changes and indicate the date of the latest update.

For any privacy-specific concerns or inquiries, contact us at info@iutechwear.com.

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