
Our Services

Discover bespoke solutions in smart technology. Partner with IUTECH for customized smartwatches and appliances, tailored to your brand’s unique vision and requirements. Experience excellence in manufacturing and innovation.

Explore Our Services

Years Manufacturing experience
300 +
Product R&D manufacturing team
3000 +
Factory floor area
Professional production line

Featured Services

We Do Best Services

OEM services

At IUtech Wear, we specialize in providing bespoke OEM services, tailoring our advanced smartwatches and appliances to meet your brand’s unique specifications and design requirements.

ODM services

With our ODM expertise, we provide comprehensive solutions including market analysis, design, R&D, and manufacturing, tailored to create unique products for your brand.

Product Customization

Product Design

ID design Product function definition

Product Structure Design

MD structure size definition Board size standard

SCM Software Development

Product function development Intelligent algorithm development SCM Software Development

PCBA Design

Component selection and finalization PCBA design drawing out

Finished Product Assembly

Small batch trial production

PCBA Production

PCBA Processing and Placement PCBA Test Non-performing rate control specification






Api & SDK Supported

App Customization

User Manual


How Its Work

Smart Wearable Customization

Nearly 300 engineers and technicians team, independently develop algorithms for heart rate, sleep, step counting, blood oxygen, calories, distance, exercise, etc.

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